Monday, February 17, 2020

Entrepreneurship Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3750 words - 1

Entrepreneurship - Essay Example The behemoths of Information Technology industry like. Microsoft, Yahoo, Google, the IT giants, are all results of ‘entrepreneurial vision’ of their founders. Who is an entrepreneur? What are the chief causes for the success of entrepreneurs? What are the attributes required for being an entrepreneur? What makes entrepreneurship different from regular business? How does an entrepreneur with very little resources create wealth and value? We will study ‘the entrepreneur’ along with the special strategies; he makes use of, by researching contemporary literature on entrepreneurship. Entrepreneurship is the business idea, the set of practices adopted by an entrepreneur for value enhancement and wealth creation. Entrepreneurship is a break from the past; conception and creation of a unique venture through novel means, and a synergy of strategy, technology, material, and human resources. Entrepreneurship involves a high risk factor as it can’t be forecast with certainty whether a particular entrepreneurship idea would succeed or fail. The results often vary between and extreme success and abject failure. Nevertheless, the entrepreneur, by his inherent nature, keeps on experimenting taking risks, losses and failures in his stride, till he hits upon an idea that clicks. Entrepreneurship has been differently viewed, and hence interpreted differently, over a period of time. In the earlier times entrepreneurship was related to buying and selling of commodities, whereupon a trader took upon himself the buying of a product at a certain price, and selling it for an uncertain price (Di-Masi n.d.). One of the earliest definitions of entrepreneur offered by JS Mill (1848) (quoted by Brockhaus, Sr 2000) as â€Å"one who undertakes to start and conduct an enterprise or business, assuming full control and risks† may have held to be

Monday, February 3, 2020

Article summary Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

Summary - Article Example ing solar power (CSP) and photovoltaics (PVs) – and notes that while these types seek at the maximization of solar energy, they have different approaches (Hamer 1). The considered questions in the article are related to the primary types of solar energy, the suitability of solar energy in heating water and the benefits that zero net energy constructions give to consumers. In this line, Hamer states that the world’s global energy needs will be largely dependent on the use of solar devices to harness light and heat from the sun for the generation of electricity via photovoltaic cells, owing to the declining prices of solar collectors. This reason is also largely supported by the sunny forecasts put on solar energy and a resemblance of the electricity system to the internet, having no particular center of activity, except for the photovoltaics integrated into roofs and windows. Consequently, Hamer states that there is an increase in the production, but, a subsequent decline in purchasing costs of PVs; hence, likely to have a significant impact on the installation of PVs and access to electricity. This would then classify solar energy for the many uses that electricity can be put to such as heating of water. PVs are also environmentally friendly as they produce no greenhouse gases or atmospheric emissions as a technology. Therefore, it presents itself as the most likely choice of renewable energy technology for embracing by the public (Hamer 1). Finally, a proposal for zero net energy buildings is given in which the Department of Energy is considering producing houses that consume no energy on net rate, but, incorporate numerous technologies for future homes, including the solar thermal and photovoltaics. In this article, the core theme as presented by Haugen is that of the effective production of electricity through solar energy. First, the energy is described as clean and reliable by the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL), as a counter for myths over