Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Challenges of Recruitment Processes Samples

Google, an American company with multinational presence and specializing in products and services relating to the internet, was founded by the duo of Larry Page and Sergey Brin in 1998. It is one of the most desired workplaces in the world, and that has been magnified by the production of a recruitment video that seeks to provide prospective applicants with a sneak peek into what it entails to work for the organization. One of the key messages from the video about google as an employer is, life at the organization is about more than just work. For example, there are recreational facilities for employees. The fact is, it is not just about productivity, but also, the experience is meant to be pleasant. The other key message is, ‘things happen,' implying that there is fast decision making with regard to whether projects will be approved or not. One of the interviewed engineers stated that ideas are approved at a faster rate i.e. on the order of weeks, months or less in comparison to the institutions that they worked for earlier. Also, there are certain qualities that are rooted for by the company when recruiting. They encompass the following: individuals with ambitious ideas, fast responses to requests, big achievers, passionate about projects, high energy levels, a good understanding of the product base and commitment to clients (Google Inc, 2006). Hence, employees are surrounded by bright and enthusiastic colleagues, working on interesting problems and products that impact a lot of lives e.g. Gmail (Google Inc, 2006). Again, they place huge importance on balancing work and life. To demonstrate, it has a child care center touted as one of Google’s most valuable programs. Further, expectant mothers are given time off before and after delivery. Additionally, they have 75% pay for all of the 12 weeks that mothers were expectant. Furthermore, they are afforded flexibility at work such as working fewer hours. According to Google’s engineering director featured in the video, Google’s culture, philosophy and personalities drawn from its founders. Organizational culture evident from the video is briefly outlined below. Google has a work environment that fosters flexibility, creativity, and innovation. Specifically, the organization has a 20% rule where engineers have 20% of their time to work on individual projects. Some of the projects highlighted in the video included the below mentioned. One, where an engineer created a rotating globe showing where on the globe Google users were searching from. Two, an added feature on google.com where when a user types in the name of a movie and the zip code, it will return to them a list of theatres around that area, with show time and reviews to that particular movie. Importantly, there is a free exchange of information through different setups. First, there is an impactful mentoring program where both incoming and resident employees are assigned official mentors and could also take up unofficial mentors. Therefore, there is an easy transition for new comers and those stepping up to new positions. Second, to stimulate the mind of its employers, the organization has educational talks called Ted talks in different topics such engineering and the latest theories about the origin of the universe (Google Inc, 2006). Again, the organization has a great startup spirit in that projects take a shorter period to launch. Lastly, it provides impactful products to the general public. The development of the theories began in 1920’s amidst the industrial revolution, during which productivity was at the core of businesses (Jerome, 2013). A particular theory that fits well with the Google recruitment video is Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs Theory. The theory is built on the premise that the desire of many employees is to be included in an entity that supports their growth and development (Jerome, 2013). Thus, if special attention is a guarantee and there is an encouragement for participation, the view that their work is of significance motivates productivity and high-quality work. Concerning the theory, the video is effective in attracting the right candidates, for the reasons outlined below. The behavior of humans is related to needs. The video comes across as testament that the needs, as outlined by Maslow, will be met. First, ranked at the bottom of Maslow’s hierarchy, is psychological needs. It entails the basic needs that sustain human life. Such include food, shelter, clothing among others (Wahba&Bridwell, 1973). The video outlines the provision of all these at Google. Second, the security and safety needs which are connected to the psychological fear of job loss. Expectant mothers, for instance, are guaranteed of keeping their jobs. During the 12 months, they are afforded 75% of their salary and flexibility in terms of working hours (Google Inc, 2006). Third, the need according to the theory is the social need. The need posits that it is the desire of an employee is to be in a group and be accepted. This is made possible by Google by mentorship p rograms that facilitate regular interaction with superiors and other forms of activities that make interactions with other employees easier and possible. Ideally the video advocates for the creation of a sense of community. Fourth, the theory stipulates a self-esteem need that has much to do with recognition (Wahba&Bridwell, 1973). The importance of this fact has been duly emphasized in the video citing various activities that enhance self-esteem e.g. the 20% rule. Last, and the highest ranking need according to Maslow, is self-actualization. It entails the desire of an employee to become what they think they are capable of. Google provides for this through the 20% rule, enabling employees to utilize their maximum potential. Attracting the right kind of candidates for job openings is important to any organization in existence,so as to meet the organizational goals and values (Arachchige& Robertson, 2011). According to Maroko& Uncles (2008), there are certain characteristics that come into play when a potential employer is seeking to attract the right candidates for a job opening:attractiveness and accuracy. These are some of the factors that the video by Google looked to enhance by a brief documentation of its organizational culture. About attractiveness, the video demonstrates awareness of employee needs, differentiation in the market and relevance to a particular pool of enthusiasts.   Further, it accurately portrays accuracy regarding organizational culture, values, employee experience and the employer brand (Maroko& Uncles, 2008). A study by Williamson et al. (2010) emphasized the above claim on attractiveness stating that the amount of information given attributing the company and the different positions on offer has an interactive effect on potential applicants. Arachchige& Robertson (2011), provides other characteristics of an organization that fresh graduates look for. The most preferred attributes are: will gain experience that is relevant to career, promotes self-esteem, faster decision making, better relationships with colleagues and superiors, fun working environment among others. These are some of the â€Å"attraction† factors put across by the video. First,   finding a qualified employee in time has become more difficult.Uncontrollable circumstances may lead to someone being laid off, or alternatively, an employee might have left for another opportunity.In these situations, the position needs to be filled promptly (Meister, Willyerd& Foss, 2010). As such filling, the position becomes the next order of business. However, in as much as the market is full of applicants who would be interested in the position, there are challenges. A considerable amount of time is spent on sourcing suitable applicants and profile and CV reviews. Thus, there is a need to find ways of getting applicants of good quality into a recruiter’s short list fast. Second, ascertaining the legitimacy of a resume is an uphill task.Reason being, faking resumes has been a common occurrence in a recruiter’s bid to find a fit for a position. Included here are fake referrals, education, and certification (Mallory, 2014). Researching an employee’s resume to establish if every qualification is genuine is time consuming when working under a strict time frame. Third, settling for the right choice is a daunting task. A culmination of the above-mentioned factors that make the recruitment process challenging results in difficulties settling for the right candidate. A recruiter might have lots of talented candidates but with limited positions to accommodate at least the majority, chances are they might let extremely talented individuals leave. According to the survey by PWC and KPMG, the cost of a bad hire is estimated at double the salary he would have been paid to the individual. Last, as per the findings of a study carried out by Cappelli (2008), career decisions are no longer made by managers and executives as it was in the past where individuals were matched with jobs. As such, the most talented of individuals have the freedom to turn down offers if the offer that they expected does not come along. Similarly, there is a general talent problem that has since been burdensome to recruiters in companies of Google’s magnitude. They want the skills they need at the time of their choosing and in a manner that is desirable to them. Employees on the other hand desire the guarantee of advancement and an autonomous level of control n their careers (Cappelli, 2008). Arachchige, B. J., & Robertson, A. (2011). Business Student Perceptions of a Preferred Employer: A Study Identifying Determinants of Employer Branding. IUP Journal of Brand Management, 8(3). Cappelli, P. (2008). Talent management for the twenty-first century. Harvard business review, 86(3), 74. Google Inc. (2006). Google Recruitment Video. Google: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JcXF1YirPrQ. Jerome, N. (2013). Application of the Maslow’s hierarchy of need theory; impacts and implications on organizational culture, human resource and employee’s performance. International Journal of Business and Management Invention, 2(3), 39-45. Mallory, M. (2014). A Research Proposal: Negligent Hiring and Fraudulent Resumes. Meister, J. C., Willyerd, K., & Foss, E. (2010). The 2020 workplace: How innovative companies attract, develop, and keep tomorrow's employees today (p. 5). New York, NY: Harper Business. Moroko, L., & Uncles, M. D. (2008). Characteristics of successful employer brands. Journal of Brand Management, 16(3), 160-175. Wahba, M. A., &Bridwell, L. G. (1973). MASLOW RECONSIDERED: A REVIEW OF RESEARCH ON THE NEED HIERARCHY THEORY. In Academy of Management Proceedings (Vol. 1973, No. 1, pp. 514-520). Academy of Management. Williamson, I. O., King, J. E., Lepak, D., &Sarma, A. (2010). Firm reputation, recruitment web sites, and attracting applicants. Human Resource Management, 49(4), 669-687.

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